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Picosure Laser – Emerald Medispa Fades Your Tattoo and Eliminates Your Unwanted Ink

The picosure laser edmonton is a powerful technology that uses intense ultra-short pulses of energy to reduce the appearance of old acne scars. Its energy is absorbed by fibroblast cells, which remodel the collagen matrix of your skin.

This FDA-cleared laser uses two wavelengths of light—1927 nm for pigmentation and 1550 nm for skin tone. This helps the laser to penetrate deep into the skin.

Tattoo Removal

Using the FDA-cleared PicoSure laser, Emerald Medispa safely fades your tattoo and eliminates your unwanted ink. This breakthrough treatment uses ultra-short pulses of energy to change the pressure on the ink particles, breaking them into smaller fragments that are easily absorbed and eliminated by your lymphatic system. The treatment stings slightly, but topical numbing agents are sometimes used to reduce discomfort.

PicoSure uses three wavelengths (including 532 nm that targets red, violet, orange, and yellow pigmentation spots and 755 nm that targets green and blue ink) to deliver superior results with minimal downtime. The laser also creates microscopic “controlled wounds” that jump-start your skin’s natural healing process, promoting collagen and elastin production as the spot fades.

In addition to removing tattoos, the PicoSure laser is also effective for reducing benign pigmented lesions, sun damage, acne scars, and wrinkles. This versatile device is available at our Toronto, Markham, and North York medi spas.

Skin Rejuvenation

Our Picoway laser uses an advanced technology to deliver short pulses of energy to target areas that need rejuvenation. Its melanin-seeking technology targets freckles, lentigos (sun spots), seborrheic keratoses, melasma, and some types of nevi (moles).

Unlike traditional laser treatments that deliver intense heat energy, PicoSure delivers these short bursts of energy in trillionths of a second to reduce damage to surrounding skin tissue. Its unique delivery of light energy creates what’s called a photo-acoustic effect, which produces microscopic controlled wounds that jumpstart the body’s natural repair process, boosting collagen and elastin to help fade scars and smooth out wrinkles.

Our non-ablative treatment is comfortable and can be used on all skin colors. We often combine it with microneedling to rejuvenate the skin around acne scars, pigmentation variations, and wrinkles. Our results are amazingly impressive! They are quick, affordable, and safe. We have many other services that can enhance your appearance including Botox, dermal fillers, and a new non-surgical body sculpting technique that dissolves unwanted fat cells on the abdomen, hips, waist and thighs.

Acne Scars

Acne scars are one of the most common skin concerns for people of all ages. They can take on two forms: icepick scars that leave an indentation in the skin, or hypertrophic scars that create a raised mound of tissue.

PicoSure laser treatment can help smooth and reduce the appearance of both types of acne scars. Our picosecond laser delivers targeted laser energy that eliminates pigment and destroys the ink or darkened areas without causing damage to surrounding skin. It also boosts collagen production to tighten the skin and improve tone and texture.

Our picosecond laser with the Platinum Focus Lens Array is the world’s first aesthetic picosecond laser that’s FDA-cleared for tattoo removal, as well as benign pigmented lesions, wrinkles and acne scars. This innovative technology offers superior performance with better clearance in fewer treatments.


The FDA-approved PicoSure laser skin rejuvenation system from Cynosure can dramatically improve the appearance of multiple skin conditions. This breakthrough technology uses ultra-short pulse widths to stimulate collagen growth and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, restoring your youthful appearance.

It can also treat pigmentation spots, sun damage and aging with less downtime than CO2 laser resurfacing. The laser’s “pigment-seeking” technology detects over-pigmented areas and breaks up the ink or spot into tiny particles that are naturally absorbed and eliminated by your body.

The laser’s short bursts of energy penetrate deeply into the skin to shatter unwanted tattoo ink, resulting in a noticeable reduction of your tattoo’s color and saturation. It’s also effective at reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, especially around the eyes (Madonna Eyelift). Some patients may experience slight discomfort during this treatment, but it is less painful than other laser treatments and is temporary. It is also safe for all skin colors.

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